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Hello, and welcome to "By Your Side," the AFL approved fanlisting for the relationship between Koga & Kagome from the manga/anime series, InuYasha. If you are a fan of this couple, then you are definitely in the right place! Enjoy your stay!

Site Stats

Last Update: September 16, 2024
Total Members: 388
Webmistress: Lizzie
Online Since: October 20, 2004

Latest Update

We have a new member! Please give a big warm welcome to Mo! **We have been online for almost TWENTY years! Yay Koga & Kagome!**

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All characters, situations, etc. related to InuYasha are property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz. I am not affiliated with them in any way, and no profit is made from this site save enjoyment. I just love to spread the fandom!

Listed at: The Anime Fanlistings
Listed at: Unique Pairings Directory