About this Site

I have been a huge fan of Zoisite and Minako since the original airing of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. I suspected there was something between them in Act 8, when he appeared and reached for her, but my feeling was cemented in Act 35. The actress of Minako, Ayaka Komatsu, also was a fan of the pairing, apparently squealing when she read the script for Act 35, and showing all of her cast members on the set that "Minako got a boyfriend!" I love making music videos for this couple, and have been dying to run their fanlisting. So when my good friend Shari told me she was putting it up for adoption, I jumped at the chance to run it. I hope I do it justice! Yay ZoiMina!

About the Layouts

The layout featuring Zoisite and Sailor Venus from Act 35 was made using screencaps from the episode, Photoshop Elements, GoogleFonts, and Pixie.

The layout featuring Princess Minako and Zoisite in the past life was made using screencaps from Acts 26 and 35, as well as the ninth Japanese DVD cover. I used Photoshop Elements and Pixie.

The layout featuring human!Zoisite and Minako singing together was made using a fantastic manip that Lisa made, Photoshop Elements, and Pixie.

About the Title

My sister Lisa came up with this title when she originally ran the fanlisting. It is a simple title, yet I feel like it fits them very well. Minako's colors (both her uniform and hair) are gold, Zoisite's are silver, and they, like the two precious metals, are very different, yet go good together. Okay, that may be corny, but I stand by it!