About Power Rangers
Our story begins when an evil sorceress named Rita Repulsa breaks out of her ten-thousand year imprisonment and sets her sights to conquer Earth. Zordon, an intergalactic being caught in a time warp, realizes that the time has come to save Earth once more, and has his robot assistant, Alpha 5, teleport five ordinary teenagers with "attitude" to the Command Center. The five teenagers he has chosen are: Zack, a fun-loving dancer; Kimberly, a ditzy but sweet gymnast; Billy, an intelligent and shy scientist; Trini, a spirited and warm young lady; and Jason, a strong Martial Artist. Zordon has chosen these seemingly ordinary teens to take on a dangerous task: to become the Power Rangers, and save Earth from the seemingly unstoppable Rita Repulsa. Once they are given the Power Coins, the Rangers call upon the ancient spirits of the Dinosaurs, and do battle with Rita's henchmen. The Rangers deal with monstrous beings, deadly putties, the vicious Scorpina and Goldar, and even Rita's wicked master, the evil Lord Zedd.The teens face it all and learn the power of friendship, courage, and teamwork.