The Series
Ah! Megami-sama(Also known as Oh My Goddess!) began in 1988 as a manga by Kosuke Fujishima. It tells a tale about how ordinary college student Keiichi Morisato's life changed forever when he dialed the wrong number and reached the Goddess Help Line. Goddess First Class Belldandy came to Earth to answer Keiichi's one wish: That she stay by his side forever! And the antics get even crazier when Belldandy's two trouble-loving sisters Urd and Skuld, move in with the couple! Ah! Megami-sama is hugely popular all over the globe, and has been made into a five-episode OVA(Original Video Animation), a movie, and, most recently, a full-fledged anime with two seasons so far. If you haven't seen this series, be sure to check it out!