
Hello, and welcome to the TFL-approved fanlisting/super-site dedicated to the relationship between two of the original Power Rangers, Jason and Kimberly. Use the navigation to the left to view the site, and enjoy your stay!

~~Open Since May 2003~~

Site Stats

Last updated: March 14, 2025
Total members: 137
Pending members: 0
Webmistresses: Lisa and Lizzie

Latest Update

No new members, but we love Jimberly!

Want to see Jason and Kimberly return as a couple (or at least be mentioned as canon) in an upcoming season or episode of Power Rangers? Then go to the petition that Stuart started, and write in the comments that you would like Jason and Kimberly to appear as a couple or to at least be mentioned as canonly together!

Listed At, Awards & Exchange

Power Rangers Romance Banner Exchange


All characters, items, events, and other things related to Power Rangers are property of Saban. We are not affiliated with them in any way, nor are we making any profit off this website.