About The Site

Ever since I was five years old and saw Power Rangers for the first time, Jason was my favorite boy Ranger. I used to run around the house shouting (in a try at a deep voice) "It's morphin' time!" He was so awesome and strong, but also caring and funny. I loved when he gained control of the Dragon Dagger, and I was annoyed when Zordon passed the role of leader on to Tommy. I only tuned in to Forever Red because I knew Jason was going to be in it! (Not that I don't love the other Red Rangers!) When Veronica was putting the Jason Fanlisting up for adoption, I jumped at the chance to run it. Jason is totally under-appreciated!

The Title

I decided to call this site "Forever Red," for several reasons. One, Jason ROCKED in that episode. But, the main reason was, that even though he later became the Gold Ranger, he was the original Red Ranger, and, in my eyes, he will always be "Forever Red."

The Layout

This layout was made using an image from here, ArcSoft Studio 5, and Pixie. The font is arial size 8.

The Fanlisting

"What is a fanlisting?" You ask? A fanlisting is just what it sounds like: a list of fans. The purpose is to unite fans around the world! So, if you like Jason, please join!