About Jason

Jason Scott is a fun-loving seventeen-year-old with a deep secret. At first glance, you may see a handsome, rugged young man who is a master of Karate. But in reality, he is the powerful Red Ranger, keeper of the Tyrannosaurus power coin and defender of justice. Along with his five friends, Jason fights the evil of Rita Repulsa and later Lord Zedd to save Earth. Jason is a strong and kind person who will stop at nothing to help his friends. He also wields the indestructable Power Sword, as well as controls the invincible Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and Red Dragon Thunderzord. When the Zeo Rangers need someone capable to control the powers of the Gold Ranger, Jason is chosen to return and step up to the power. As the Gold Ranger, he controls the powerful Pyramidas Zord, and wields the mystical Golden Power Staff.

Must-See Episodes
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
A Pressing Engagement
Green With Evil, pt. 1: Out of Control
Green With Evil, pt. 2: Jason's Battle
Green With Evil, pt. 3: The Rescue
Green With Evil, pt. 4: Eclipsing Megazord
Green With Evil, pt. 5: Breaking the Spell
Gung Ho!
The Rockstar
Crystal of Nightmares
Second Chance
On Fins and Needles
Enter the Lizzinator
The Power Stealer
The Green Dream
Missing Green

Power Rangers Zeo
A Golden Homecoming
The Ranger Who Came in from the Gold
Good as Gold

Power Rangers Wild Force
Forever Red