About the Site

Since I first began to watch Power Rangers in Space, I have always thought Astronema was a strong character. As Astroneam she's cunning and vicious, trying to live up to her name and prove herself worthy to the mighty Dark Spectre. But, as the series progressed, and she discovered that she was not always evil, and that she had a good side, Karone, and a loving brother, Astronema began to fight the dark wishes inside of herself, and joined the rangers in the fight against evil. I figured, since I love Astronema/Karone so much, I'm sure others must love her too! So that's why I created this site.

This site was originally entitled "Darkness Within", because Astronema has to deal with the darkness inside her heart. However, a couple of months ago, when I was re-watching the series, I found that she, and others, were calling her the "Princess of Darkness." I found this title to be a lot more fitting, and it sounded cool, too! So I decided to change it.

This layout was made using screencaps from my VCDs of Power Rangers in Space, ArcSoft Studio 5, and Pixie.

Previous Layout

Version 1.0
Made by: Me

About Fanlistings

"What is a fanlisting?" You ask? A fanlisting is just what it sounds like: a list of fans. The purpose is to unite fans around the world! So, if you like Astronema, please join!