About Astronema/Karone

Astronema is the main villainess in the series, Power Rangers in Space. After Dark Spectre gives Astronema the assignment to eliminate the Rangers, she resides on the spacecraft, the Dark Fortress. Aided by Eclipter, the being who raised her since she was a child, Astronema launches a vast amount of plans to destroy the Rangers so they cannot reach Zordon before Dark Spectre has completely drained him of his life force. Astronema is a spoiled princess of evil, who would destroy anyone who questions her authority. However, under all of this protective waspishness, there is a little part of Astronema that craves the love and attention of friends and a family that she never had. Meanwhile, on the Astro Megaship, Andros, the Red Space Ranger, desperately continues to search for his younger sister, Karone, who was kidnapped years ago on the space colony, KO-35. His only clues to her whereabouts is the locket that he wears, revealing a picture of himself and Karone, and a data disc which shows a shadowy figure abducting her. After an encounter with Darkonda, a vicious Space Bandit, Andros discovers that as he suspected, his sister is alive and well! With new hope in his heart, Andros continues his never-ending search. After Zhane, the Silver Ranger appears to assist his comrades, Astronema is determined to destroy him. In a fierce battle, Astronema tries to electrocute him with her Wrath Staff, but instead hits her own monster! The monster turns on her, and, without a second thought, Zhane whisks her out of the way on his Galaxy Glider. Astronema wakes up later, and discovers that Zhane not only rescued her then, but is trying to nurse her back to health now! Astronema feels strangely attracted to the Silver Ranger, and feels a little bit of a good side begin to stir. She begins to question who's side she's on. Later on, during a fierce battle with the Rangers, Astronema has sent out her army of Quantrons to attack the city. When she sees one of her minions begin to attack a mother and her children, something deep inside of her heart urges herself to save them. Using her Wrath Staff, Astronema destroys her own Quantron to save the children. Andros rushes forward and begins to attack Astronema. In the struggle, her locket is torn from her neck. Astronema desperately pushes Andros away, and rushes to pick it up. Andros gets to it first, however, and makes a startling discovery. The locket is the same as the one he wears! "How did you get this?" he manages to ask. "I've always had it!" She replies angrily, ripping it out of his hand. Andros realizes that this can only mean one thing: Astronema, his most hated enemy, is in reality, Karone, his missing sister! After being told this, Astronema is too shocked to say anything, and disappears.

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