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About Power Rangers Mystic Force

Mystic Force takes place on modern-day Earth in the seemingly peaceful city of Briawood. Years ago, a great evil rose up in another realm and tried to conquer ours. All seemed hopeless, when five brave warriors rose to the challenge, and drove back the evil forces. The bravest wizard of them all then cast a spell, sealing the evil behind giant gates. Flash to present day. In a music store, The Rock Porium, we meet four friends: Chip, Madison, Vida, and Xander. Suddenly, there is an earthquake, and unbeknownst to the citizens of Briarwood, the gate sealing the evil cracked, and evil slipped out. When these four, and a newcomer, Nick, stumble into the dangerous forest to help and elderly man find his brother, they are met by a powerful sorceress, Udonna. She tells them of the prophecy, that when evil rose again, five mystic warriors would stand up, and defeat it. She gives them each a magic wand, and bestows a power unto each of them. Xander shall be the Green Ranger, the Mystic Minotaur, and control all plant life. Vida will become the Pink Mystic Ranger, the Magical Sprite, and be as free as the wind. Madison will take on the power of the Blue Ranger, the Mystic Mermaid, and reign over water. Chip is the Yellow Mystic Ranger, the Legendary Garuda, and lighting will be at his command. And finally, Nick shall become their leader, the Red Ranger, the Awesome Phoenix, and call fire to his aid. Together, they must fight many evils, confront the darkness within themselves, and learn that all can be accomplished if you believe in magic.